How old is too old to still be living with parents?

24 to 30. If you are 24 to 30 and do not have a good explanation then I will wonder about you. Like if your parents are not in good health, you just got out of a relationship, or your parents depend on your income to live then those are 100% justified reasons. If you are still at home because you are mooching off your parents then you are not for me.

For the record my boyfriend's mom and his younger brother lives with us. For her its so we can keep an eye on her after she did tried to do something stupid during a rather nasty divorce a couple of year ago. She is good people ya know. I have no problem with her at all because she has always been there for the boyfriend which means that I owe her even though she doesn't know that. Plus she pays her own way even though she lives with us. For his bother its a bit of a raw issue here. He is a lazy mooching piece of shit 23 year old high school drop out straight dude that I swear is a 60 year old and he doesn't work nor does he want to do so. I so want to tell this dude to walk but I will not because it would upset the boyfriend and his mom. He has become the biggest issue in our relationship if I'm honest.

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