Bros, I’m 6’2”, 285lbs, and 21 years old. My mini-me is like 3.5” erect and about 1” flaccid. This is ruining my self-esteem (along with my being overweight). Has anyone found themselves in a similar boat? I just need a little advice!

3.5" is enough to get a guy off. My last boyfriend was around 4 inches and it was just right for me. Focus on what you have to offer another guy, not on what you think you're lacking. Penises are nice but they can't hold a conversation very well, A penis has never brought dinner when I have the flu.

I'm on anti-depressants which can often make an erection impossible or makes me soft in the middle of sex. It's humiliating to sit there with a limp dick while he's ready to have at it. But I've never felt closer to my boyfriend than when he convinces me that it's ok, and we find another way to...finish each other. A good guy who's into you will make the sex work because he wants to be close to you.

Finally, after getting really out of shape, I lost a lot of weight, but I did it painfully slowly over more than a year. Then for the past 8 months I've been putting on muscle. I gotta say I like how I look for the first time in my life. I have old giant pants that I can't believe used to fit me. No gimmicks involved. Just steady work over a couple of years. Tomorrow I'm going to a toga party and feel confident going into it. 2 years ago I would have found an excuse to bail. So, you have the opportunity to be a ripped (and tall) 23 year old. As a short 31 year old, I would kill to be in your shoes (actually you couldn't pay me enough to go through my early 20s again lol).

/r/askgaybros Thread