159 words How do I get a binder? 302 words Is it wrong of me to want to try dating trans people? 208 words How long after realizing that you're trans did you start HRT? 368 words Am i gay for dating trans girl? 606 words Is there a way to explain gender dysphoria to cis people? 111 words What does it mean to be of a certain gender? 204 words Please Tell me I’m not going mad (First Time Trying To have friends use pronouns/name) 153 words What are actual reasons against physical transition for kids under 18? 171 words Trans women, how is/was your relationship with a straight woman? 128 words I have a few questions about everyone's experiences with HRT and similar processes 412 words How to manage trans team members at work? 182 words is being the opposite of your agab supposed to be exhausting? 327 words How the hell do I grow my hair out properly 237 words What does gender mean to you? 140 words What does gender mean to you? 246 words Surgery destroyed my voice. Now what ? 157 words why isn't gender transition known as MtF or FtM when it would be more like MtW (man to woman) or WtM (woman to man)? 108 words Biological science question. 156 words Why when a Male transitions into a Female do they begin to wear dresses and high heels and long hair, when those things are just a stereotypical Western social construct of how a woman should look but defying social constructs is what transgenderism is about in the first place? 237 words Been seeing a lot of trans people lately say they don’t “vibe with the trans label,” and I’m a bit confused?