181 words I've seen a lot of Transpeople express deep regret of missing out on a childhood/teenage phase as the other gender, the one they actually need to be, but I am confused as to what would make "growing up as a boy" for example, so much different than growing up as a girl? 739 words How are the laws relating to trans people in your country and how do you feel about them? 202 words What defines transmisogyny to be exclusive to trans women? (please read desc.) 374 words any transgender couples having this issue? 677 words What’s your opinion on trans men being in men’s prisons? 235 words Would getting my weight down help with my upper body width? 314 words People who actually moved away and "started a new life", what was the experience like? Do you have any regrets? 154 words Trans Tradwife 180 words So i was told not to dress up to a restaurant because it would embarrass her 122 words Could my parents be right about trans people? 714 words How to support my trans partner better? 155 words Should I be worried about my E levels? 151 words Pls give me tips. Any tips.. 157 words My (F24) friend (lesbian F26) is terf - how can i reason her? 113 words Is trans porn offensive? 130 words How to unlearn male socialisation? 137 words Advice about newly-out trans sibling 145 words what do you think of misgendering trans criminals? 489 words Anyone else regret not transitioning sooner? 127 words [Warning: Possible transphobia] Are trans-men men? And therefore can men get pregnant?