129 words I (27F) feel lost. Can you experience trauma from an abortion, even if you wanted it? 259 words How to get over your man watching porn? 206 words Should I apologise to a friend I was mean to in high school or has too much time passed? (28F) 188 words I've had two missed miscarriages, but I'm more upset about my weight gain 235 words I (30F) left my boyfriend (32M) after a 5 year relationship living with him abroad..... 132 words How do I get my boss (30?M) to stop flirting with me (19F) 224 words Not sure if I'm being unreasonable or not. 318 words My(21F) friends only talk about boys and I’m going crazy 515 words Have you ever told your partner how unhappy you are? How did it go? 378 words Boyfriend saying mean jokes at my expense, concerned I am in a bad relationship. 166 words How do I reveal kinks to a girl? 482 words (Warning: sexual assault) I (17F) am feeling myself start to hate men 140 words I [M,25] hurt my best friend's [F,25] feelings and jeopardized our friendship. 313 words [27M] I’m limited in my sexual experience and it’s making me feel extremely insecure. 153 words how do I (20f) get a boyfriend 142 words Women who have decided to cut all ties with your father/mother/family. What prompted you to do it and what are some advice can you give me? Any input will be appreciated. Thanks! 538 words Girlfriend upset and giving me the cold shoulder after not getting a proposal on vacation 132 words I (21F) feel like my body is a letdown to any potential males... 195 words How do you mentally prepare yourself for an abortion? How do you emotionally survive it? 124 words I (19F) saw an interesting notification on my boyfriend's (20M) phone a day after moving in with him. What should I do?