I've had two missed miscarriages, but I'm more upset about my weight gain

I lost a considerable amount of weight and began working out several hours a week before getting pregnant last year. I gained some weight while pregnant but even more so after the loss because of depression.

I had a second miscarriage and ended my relationship and I went off the rails for two weeks. I ate junk, didn’t workout at all, could barely function.

Today is my first day trying to get back on track. I went to the gym this morning and have done okay with my eating so far.

I guess I am commenting just to let you know I understand what you’re going through. You don’t have to go hard to lose weight but you can do light exercise (at the very least, go for walks) and eat healthier. My first step is to stop eating out and having liquid calories. That will be good for your overall health so you can be in optimal health when you try to conceive again. And don’t forget to take your prenatals since you’re going to try again.

Sending you love and hugs.

/r/askwomenadvice Thread