[27M] I’m limited in my sexual experience and it’s making me feel extremely insecure.

I don’t think you should worry,sex is tailored to every relationships and therefore always have a learning curve no matter how many previous partners you had. Honestly, I’ve had 2 boyfriends, the first one had more experience and the second (my bf)only dated a religious girl before, and sex is way better with him.

Not having much experience isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the things women like in their partners isn’t really different from what men like in theirs. A partner not used to sex? Adorable. A partner eager to learn how to please you? Fucking awesome. Knowing nobody ever pleased your partner like you do? Fucking hot.

A blank slate isn’t a turn off, it’s cute, and frankly it’s sexy as fuck. With my first boyfriend, I was super insecure because I compared myself to his previous partners.With my boyfriend, I felt sexy as fuck, whatever I did was the best he ever had, I could really be comfortable and get into it. Also, my boyfriend was really open to guidance and feedback, while my ex thought he had it all Figured out.Sex with my bf got way better over time.

So, basically, sex with someone new always has a learning curve anyway, so girls rarely mind mediocre sex at first, at least inexperienced guys are more open to feedback to get better. So do just that, don’t hide your lack of experience (when the time is right, obviously),keep the communication open, let your next sexual partner know you’re totally in at any time for some guidance to better please her . that alone should make you one of the better lovers out there.

You may not be the best one night stand right now, but if you’re looking for a relationship you have nothing to be ashamed of.

/r/askwomenadvice Thread