378 words What would you think if someone who was really close you hadn't really talked to in a few years told you they loved you? 153 words I'm wondering what you all think about a work situation I have 164 words my boyfriend and I are getting closer to having sex. I’m a virgin. I always told myself I’d never have sex 154 words My (21/M) lab partner (22/F) suddenly seems really upset with me. I don't know what I did or what to do. 230 words May I start dating and if yes, how? Or should I just put that thought on hold for now? - Health issues - TOO LONG 307 words I'm (24f) in need of reality check from other women about SO's (29m) lady friend's (26f) weak/lack of boundaries. 202 words How do I deal with boyfriend who is closed off and immature? 271 words What is this woman (28) REALLY saying in this email? 214 words Would you date a guy in this situation? (Me: 41 F, him 43 M) 195 words How do I figure out if I want a significant other and/or kids? 313 words Is there any way to give a female friend advice on why her dating life is a wreck without alienating her? 190 words 20M Incel - Going on my first date ever. 755 words I read the /r/askwomen FAQ about where to approach women, and it was kinda useful, but *how* do I approach women? 207 words I read the /r/askwomen FAQ about where to approach women, and it was kinda useful, but *how* do I approach women? 218 words Are doubts normal early in a relationship early? 405 words 21M, why does it seem like no girls are into me? 194 words My (22/F) friend/coworker of four years (35/F) just cancelled plans with me at the last minute and I know she's lying... I feel hollow inside. What do I do? 206 words Lack of sex is seriously close to ending in divorce. (33m, wife is 28f) 218 words I broke up with a girl that loves me for someone who doesn't. Did I make the dumbest choice? 201 words Should I contact his mother? (long post about a messy situation)