162 words I'm purposely underperforming. 127 words I used to be someone that you'd see on r/IAmVerySmart until I realized why I have my best friend 185 words I’m so sick of being a drug addict 147 words My dad does nothing but bully me for my weight every single day. 427 words Im a Model who Pretended to be an Incel 219 words My girlfriend just got back from a weekend out of town and she’s already making my life a living hell 228 words I lied to my wife before she died 149 words I'm sick of Black women complaining about being undesired or "ugly" 306 words Need to get this off my chest. It's long. 159 words [UPDATE] 14, 8 months pregnant, and no one knows. 148 words [No Regrets] If I don't lose my virginity and get laid several times by the end of the year, that will be the time of my suicide. 452 words [No Regrets] If I don't lose my virginity and get laid several times by the end of the year, that will be the time of my suicide. 371 words Being an extremely well-known yet closeted American film actor... [Conflicted] 189 words My life seems perfect but I am miserable 183 words I still struggle to understand what romantic love is 271 words I've almost lost all hope on my heroin addicted little brother. 214 words I probably made the worst life decision leaving my home country 167 words I gave my boyfriend “permission” to fuck another girl and now I regret it...and drunkenly facebooked her 133 words I met a girl on tinder who wants to be with me I have a daughter and a relationship of almost 6 years. I'm conflicted 150 words [Support Only] I think I'm falling out of love with my girlfriend and I'm terrified