[UPDATE] 14, 8 months pregnant, and no one knows.

As a 23 YO woman in a stable healthy relationship, a nice rental home, a car, a job that makes me happy and let’s me enjoy life, I WOULDNT EVEN BE READY FOR A KID RIGHT NOW. I suffered through a rough childhood, trauma, abuse, poverty, drug use, but I got my shit together and I couldn’t imagine putting myself into this situation even now while my shit is “mostly” together. Please, consider adoption. You’re going to miss out on so many beautiful things. Soooo many. Your life belongs to someone else now. No chances at those fleeting adolescent moments that matter so much in your development. You’re just a baby yourself girl, fuck I’m barely a woman. This situation here is why I am a mentor. Kids need support systems so they aren’t making these posts on Reddit at 3 AM MST. I hope the difference I try to make prevents more of these.

/r/confession Thread