143 words Those under 50, did you actually retire or just keep working? 162 words Rent house - Buy another 285 words I have a secret to share - shhhhh 238 words Our CEO is handing over the reins to his spoilt Son, and I think he's going to run the company into the ground. 176 words Money is overrated after the thrill of the chase is over 134 words If you were young [27M], wealthy, and had no ties, where would you choose to live? 142 words Should I stay military? 184 words I’m officially Mortgage Freeman. 180 words Young high income earners with fatFIRE in mind, how much are you saving? 340 words I’m 19 and stand to inherit millions. I’m completely unprepared. 244 words Generic thread for corporate people, what are some negotiating tips (or any tips) you used to negotiate higher incomes and climb your way up the ladder? What tactics do you use to raise your status? 237 words Thoughts on Fidelity Wealth Services? 164 words A system to manage businesses, plans, finances, real estate, families, etc. in multiple countries 167 words Has anyone here retired in Australia? 150 words How many hours should I work? 114 words Can we hear some insights to those living in developing countries but with 1st world salaries? 111 words [Discussion] What's something expensive you're scared to experience, because you don't want to "Get Used To It"? 155 words Where to invest $3m? (Tired of poor "Wealth Manager" performance) 176 words Jobless 30 year old heir: generating income before inheritance? 145 words Capital allocation (23 y/o making~300k)