192 words Isn’t the inner goddess thing from Fifty Shades? 124 words “Eating the same or more restrictive diet and remain fat” X for doubt. 154 words Found on Facebook 112 words According to a licensed social worker in NJ, physically disabling yourself through obesity is okay.. 118 words People just wanna weigh less than obesity, that’s all. But I guess that’s an unattainable prospect. 217 words I just want an app that will tell me exactly what to eat to lose weight. But no calorie counting BS because CiCo is a myth and I eat too little as it is. Why does this not exist? 290 words Is your bigotry bleeding into your dating life? Find out here. 114 words Shame is bad for my health, the doctor shouldn't tell me that losing weight would be healthy 132 words Wellness Wednesday 123 words Because nothing says romance better than being nuzzled between someones sweaty asscheeks 130 words Tips for struggling teens: 3200 kcal diet 171 words Fat Rant Tuesday 255 words Neglecting your animal's health is okay because HAES 157 words This "bigger" girl is clearly relationship material 139 words "Thinness is the male ideal, right? To make us weak and submissive." 178 words On today's episode of "Eating and Abortions are Probably the Same Thing so Let's Talk About them as Such???" 348 words People are permanently damaging their organs by losing weight. 171 words The “obesity crisis” isn’t real. 276 words Obesity isn't your fault, and the only way to fix it is surgery 126 words What the doctor says is oversimplified, but weight gain is only a symptom and nothing else....