22, Never had a job, How screwed am I?

I'll try and help you out mate.


You'll be okay going into entry level positions. My old deli manager said he didn't even know how to make a resume and never used one before.. though I've always personally used one, and think it helps (use volunteer 'baby/pet/house-sitting?', education, and skills 'friendly,etc.')


Here are a few ideas I know of that hire virtually anyone:   • Security/Event Staff, assuming you're in a city, like with sporting events and concerts, companies are starving for applicants, there's too much money to go around. You can also look at loss prevention departments in retail stores   • Retail Associate/Call Centers. Big companies will literally pay you to train and learn their point of sale tactics, business ethics, mission statement, etc. Previous experience can help, but is by no means necessary.   • Mom/Pop shops. Here you're literally reasoning with a person as opposed to company policy   • Coffee!  

You're pretty much asking a slave-driver if he wants a slave, so think of it like you're interviewing for a job and not the other way around :p Plus you're 22, not even an odd age to enter the workforce, people of all ages start careers/jobs. I can elaborate on anything if you need, and best of luck pal.

/r/jobs Thread