19, depression and general anxiety disorder.

TLDR: I recommend Cognitive Behavior Therapy (there are online courses to try before you pay a therapist) to help you keep things in perspective, meditation to bring you back to the present during panic attacks, cut out all caffeine and sugar, and then of course last resort medicine for depression/anxiety.

I have been, and am currently, in your shoes. All through high school I wished I could blend into the wall. Every time I was called on, talked to by anyone, or just looked at I had dread, panic, and anxiety all show their ugly faces. I hated socializing because I was so bad at it, but soon learned that high school and college are not about hard work but learning the social skills to survive. I entered the workforce thinking this was my time to shine - I could dive 110% into my work and everyone would like me. But the world doesn't work like that. I didn't make friends, I just got more work piled on which led to more stress. My anxiety followed me until I broke five years later - severe panic attacks, insomnia, crippling social phobia, self-defeating thoughts. I knew I needed a change.

I'm so proud that you've recognized this within yourself as soon as you have. I didn't. I didn't believe in therapists and meds until now. Routine meditation throughout the day (5 minute YouTube clips with closed eyes) help tremendously to calm me down. Cutting out caffeine slows fleeting negative thoughts. And CBT helps you to train your brain to step back from the problem causing you stress and decide whether it's worth a "fuck buck." They teach you that you only have so many fucks to give before you are drained so you have to meter them out accordingly.

If you are still nervous and not sleeping and the works, Paxil and Effexor are anti-depressants that work for anxiety as well. I say this is last resort because sex will not be enjoyable, you will get tired at 9pm on the dot every night (thus losing your personal time after work), and if you don't have the right dose you can scare yourself shitless with how daring you get from lack of good natural anxiety.

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