119 words My wife believes I am abusive - How do I navigate this? 167 words I (26F) feel like my friend (28M) is hiding something? 129 words Wife wants an open marriage - need advice 126 words Ex wants to get back together. Should I? 161 words Worried i (m24)led on my female(f24) best friend---please help! 138 words Should I still give my ex her Xmas gift? 151 words How do I communicate my (28F) needs to my boyfriend (31M) without making him feel like he’s failing? 131 words My (F28) new puppy is revealing a multitude of red flags about my relationship with my fiancé (M29) 170 words My girlfriends best friend broke up with her boyfriend and he just told me that my girlfriend is not the angel she pretends to be and I should find out about some guy she met on holiday. 218 words I recently inherited just over 1 million after my grandmother passed. How do I separate those that are after me for money from those that are actually into me? 121 words I have a hard time letting go while in my relationship 252 words Can someone ever work through a fear of being broken up with to try a relationship a 2nd time? 424 words My boyfriend has converted to Islam and wants me to convert 128 words I need relationship advice pls & thxs 193 words My partner is exhibiting narcissistic behaviors, he’s 36. Is it too late? 998 words Dad is cheating, just told him I know. 155 words I (19f) never know how to feel about my (27m) boyfriend 161 words how do I tell my boyfriend i kissed another guy 142 words Can a big difference in sex drive be worked through/ fixed? 222 words My girlfriend with BPD has episodes in which she breaks up with me to distance herself. Outside of the episodes, she’s very loving. However, the episodes take a toll on the relationship. Should we break up?