135 words Where the hell do you people find all these "based rightoids"? 224 words Pelosi says that rioters chose their whiteness over democracy 234 words Silicon Valley monopolies have made Zoomers terrible with computers and that's awful for any chance of fighting back against neoliberalism. All they know how to do is use interfaces designed to make everything as easy as possible. 115 words Have you ever successfully moved people in your life left? 170 words Caught in the red state Medicaid gap? Fudge your income to access Obamacare - deadline December 15th 117 words What Idpol narratives, axioms etc from the past decade of Idpol hysteria, have quietly been dropped/back flipped on over time? 329 words Isn't it wild to see people's responses to actually owning the product of their labour for once? 121 words We can't have more relief checks because it would cause racism 112 words Can someone explain this Trump attempted coup stuff? 192 words Anyone here in high school? What's it like now? 197 words what the hell is wrong with americans 187 words what the hell is wrong with americans 289 words No men allowed in ‘leadership’ programs. Yale under federal investigation for discrimination against men in several programs. 167 words If a rightoid happened upon this subreddit somehow, found it shitting on everybody on the public left, didn't know what Stupidpol was, why wouldn't they become part of the community? 282 words Bringing back the OG identity politics with “racehorse theory” 233 words What it means to be queer and punk in 2020 244 words Suggestions on Conservative Anti Capitalist Critique? 268 words “White” Catalans culturally appropriating POC heritage 314 words Bristol University BANS fitness instructors from telling students to lose weight because it is 'fatphobic' as woke warriors now attack 'thin privilege' on UK campuses 157 words I think BLM is completely missing the mark, do I have a fair point?