182 words The majority of sexual offenders are white men – there is no ‘Muslim problem’ with sexual grooming 182 words China is not your enemy 241 words James Carville wants off the wokeness treadmill 118 words based 156 words Rejecting Joe Rogan = Four More Years of Trump 137 words Enough Sanders Spam has their priorities in order 151 words Everyone in retail knows that white women use the n-word at the end of each transaction. Definitely not a fabrication. 109 words Decolonisation is a joke theory that makes white people think the left wants to send them back to Europe. 407 words The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Everything That’s Wrong With Liberalism 123 words A Financial Breakdown Of My Life As A Sex Worker / Neoliberal Hellworld / Positively promoting that women whore themselves to escape debt-slavery and homelessness 155 words Evo Morales loses military, resigns. 175 words Clearly the most important political issue of our time 141 words AOC ENDORSES BERNIE 179 words Any Leftist who supports the Xi Jinping regime is an irredeemable retard 211 words Very cool. Thank you rich, white women. 175 words Remember when Lenin woke-scolded everyone about “white privilege” while leading the Bolsheviks during the revolution? 142 words Unsubscribing from this sub cause of the influx of non-leftists. Congrats you've all turned this into just another reactionary right wing hate sub. 136 words Bernie on Joe Rogan - Minimum wage 220 words Defending Reagan-era gutting of the mental healthcare system to own Drumpf 240 words Why Jagmeet Singh still represents hope for racialized voters - NOW Magazine