220 words Rose twitter at it again with woke self-flagellation 107 words The Milwaukee Bucks have decided to boycott Game 5. The Bucks players made this decision in the wake of the Jacob Blake shooting in Wisconsin, ultimately deciding that they wouldn't leave the locker room for the start of Game 5 against Orlando. 168 words AOC confirmed based once and for all (watch to the end) 259 words What an exxxxxxxxxxtra shitty take. 243 words The Matrix was a trans metaphor all along, says director 193 words Some thoughts about the "virtues" and mythos of capitalism 222 words excerpt from Michael Brooks latest book "Against the Web" 157 words Peak stupidpol? 261 words Re-opening Schools is Retarded 124 words Surprise, Bernie's "unity team" gets cucked when actual Foreign Policy positions are being given out 122 words Supporting Mental Illness / Neurodivergence, when it's easy 159 words Resisting TERF’s and Transforming Their Organizations 145 words The current state of CHAZ' "People's Garden." 137 words Christian Cooper, whom Amy Cooper tried to get killed by the police, is a Harvard graduate, a former Marvel Comics editor and now the senior biomedical editor at Health Science Communications I need the “progressive” left to stop pretending income equality will solve racism. 147 words I sincerely prefer Black racists and White SJWs to this narcissist. People don't like this, but unlike other Black right wingers, she is an actual "uncle tom" who shits on the black community for money despite being of Virgin Islands descent, married a white man, and has never liked Blacks. 130 words Libs are straight up admitting they don't want to help poor white people 122 words This sub will become a rightoid hub in couple of weeks 154 words "The postponement of 'non-urgent' procedures in light of the pandemic is a source of bitter irony for many transgender people: getting a gender-affirming surgery approved in the first place has required convincing the medical community of a procedure’s urgency and necessity" 147 words Karl Popper: “A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is nonscientific. Irrefutability is not a virtue of a theory (as people often think) but a vice.” 172 words Beware the Yellow Yangist Menace: We do not need socialim to replace jobs that will be "gone forever"