131 words There’s nothing more torturous than being an ent who still lives at home 229 words URGENT! People of r/trees there is a disgusting anti recreational campaign going on in Illinois provided by the IL sheriffs department. 291 words Drug test next week. I smoke roughly 3 Times a week. Any suggestions? Possibly synthetic urine? I have to go to a doctors office for this test. 108 words In a huge "fuck you" to Jeff Sessions, the Vermont House of Representatives voted 81-63 in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana merely hours after Sessions removed protections for states that have voted to legalize. Badass, Vermont. Badass. 228 words US Senator: "Federal marijuana policy is an issue where the government is light years behind the times. Jeff Sessions & the Trump admin are still trying to fight a 1980s drug war that’s socially unjust, economically backward & against the will of the American people." 113 words What’s Your Vape Temp? 187 words Just in case anyone has ever been confused #choosetherighttree 392 words Please stop treating weed as a magical cure-all 275 words We need to be reminded of this. 211 words I'm only happy when I'm high and I think I figured out why 250 words Do people actually accidentally eat edibles? 385 words Underage cousin smoked weed -- height? 140 words May 18, 2017—Sept 23, 2017 (mildly interesting) 196 words TRAPPED! I was hotboxing my car by the lake when a car wreck occurred right behind me. Now these cops have me blocked in and I can’t roll the window down to ask them to move! 249 words On of my favorite pictures 194 words This blunt's for the probation officer that old me he supports legalization and sympathizes with me for getting a paraphernalia charge, so he won't test me and gave me the minimal community hours for my first offender program 545 words Goodbye, folks 235 words Dabbers of Reddit what is your "I fucked up" moment where you realized too late that you may have went overboard? 228 words 3000g Pure cannabis oil balls 299 words Whether you're a dealer or a user, What's your story of getting caught with weed? How'd they catch you? Who caught you? and what were the ramifications of being caught?