332 words 2-year-old taken away from parents because they used marijuana, killed by foster mother 460 words My dads a dick, time to toke! 469 words Do you ever get so high, that you start imagining and visualizing really cool concepts and ideas, whether empirical or artistic and then proceed to forget all about them? 309 words The first big company to say it's serving the legal marijuana trade? Microsoft ... Microsoft is breaking the corporate taboo on pot this week by announcing a partnership to begin offering software that tracks marijuana plants from “seed to sale,” as the pot industry puts it. 361 words bill 455 words What is your guys' opinions about smoking all day all the time? 436 words When you can't find your lighter..... 437 words I violently passed out in an airport after eating an edible. 356 words Marijuana growers fear a takeover by Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco. Be proactive in fighting this! Write to your congresspeople!! 354 words Please stop telling people smoking weed is harmless. 431 words "Roughly half of the money raised to oppose a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana in California is coming from police and prison guard groups" 616 words Marijuana could help end America's painkiller/opioid epidemic 354 words My 15 year old sister wants to smoke with me 327 words When I get stoned, I feel the little voice in my head get stoned, too. [7] 319 words U.S Senate Votes To Give Veterans Access To Medical Marijuana 1,185 words I don't blame Deadpool either for wanting to smoke with me and Cheech... Also, I loved that movie. 686 words First actual T-Break, going sane and I hate it 424 words Is anyone else just not about that dab life? 396 words I didn't get arrested. 408 words Vaporizer tips