381 words Painkiller deaths drop by 25% in states with legalized medical marijuana 300 words REMEMBER: Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has pledged to end marijuana prohibition. Help us end the War on Drugs by matching my donation of $4.20! (X-post SandersForPresident) 452 words In all honesty, how frequently do you smoke cannabis and what impact has it had on your life? 306 words I'm sorry I have to say this. 347 words Arsenio Hall politiely declines Uber's request to narc on his marijuana-loving driver 328 words Someone just pulled a gun on me for a single gram of weed 290 words "I will take marijuana out of the Federal Controlled Substance Act. I'm tired of seeing lives destroyed." - Bernie Sanders in MA today 309 words Questions about a vaporizer 816 words I got arrested for possession of marijuana 510 words I got detained by the police and they illegally searched me. I was charged with a felony after they found my ounce of shatter. 849 words Private prisons and the war on drugs 394 words HOW TO FIND POT?! DESPERATE! 306 words Stoned and alone... [7] 408 words Trying to quit smoking 338 words The anti weed papers given out at my school 584 words Mindfuck 509 words Scientists create yeasts that can make THC and "could literally change the lives of millions." 348 words PSA: Guys, please don't show up to your job interview high 418 words Marijuana foes say legalization will lead to more teen use. New federal data show that still isn't happening. 346 words Just harvested my first outdoor grow!