410 words Just bought my first pound.... OF SEEDS. Random forests will ensue. 561 words Driving through Texas and having my (non-smoker) car ripped through because a drug dog "alerted" on my vehicle, I now understand how bullshit the war on drugs truly is. 624 words Your best story about taking a t-break or being dankrupt. 1,510 words My friends dad has been in prison since 1989 for non-violent cannabis offences. He was sentenced to 98 years when prosecution recommended 12-17. Sign this petition and let Richard know we haven't forgotten him! 473 words legalization will be on the ballot in November for Ohio! 412 words Forgive me father for I have sinned. 354 words Has anyone ever ordered off the DeepWeb before? 315 words Stealth Mode: ON 383 words When you're on probation and cant smoke 352 words The Federal Government runs the Compassionate Investigational New Drug program; there are currently four surviving patients who receive 4 - 9 ounces of cannabis per month from the Federal Government through the University of Mississippi; the program does not accept new patients 309 words An actual "danger" of weed. PSA for all you older ENTs 458 words As a non-smoker, I have a question for you guys and gals. 496 words The guy who delivers my weed arrived on time with the pizza girl. 397 words Anyone ever been caught smoking weed by cops or parents? Share your stories 214 words Human Trial Investigating Cannabis As A Brain Cancer Treatment Set To Begin This Year 214 words Human Trial Investigating Cannabis As A Brain Cancer Treatment Set To Begin This Year 213 words Human Trial Investigating Cannabis As A Brain Cancer Treatment Set To Begin This Year 875 words Study: Marijuana use did not increase among teens where pot has been legalized 882 words Welcome to Vault 420! 314 words Taking shatter on an airplane