This is some of the worst storytelling I've ever seen. This character went from sworn enemy of Sylvanas to her lackey in the span of 10 seconds.

no mind control, no direct impact by Sylvanas,

Ok I actually stopped playing BFA awhile back so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong: but my brother (who still plays it) told me that during this questline Horde players get this "toy" that implements mind-control and has the description "Very difficult to resist, except by the strongest wills." Plus there's that old Cataclysm quest, When Death Is Not Enough, where you kill and convert Alliance laborers into Forsaken and they immediately shout "For the Dark Lady!" or "I serve."

Basically saying, I think Sylvanas is using mind-control, Blizzard is just being very vague about it. For the obvious reasons.

Still shit writing, though.

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