1.5 Spiral Abyss Phase 2 | Floor 12 Characters Ranked by Usage Rate, Popular Duos, and Comps Ranked by Usage Rate (GLOBAL)

I never said that klee clears faster, it's just not a significant difference between Eula and klee comps.

I know but clears are the only genuine measuring stick we have for DPS units at the moment.

From the abyss runs I've seen on discord, C0 Eula averages maybe 10ish seconds faster clear than C0 klee.

Per chamber? That's a substantial difference in time. That's 30 seconds per floor clear, the difference between 7 and 9 stars on many occasions.

I also compare 5 stars to 4 stars because that's part of the issue with Eula, her comps are pretty restrictive before c6 because she has specific needs to make her shine.

Eula's comps are the antithesis of restrictive. Not only does she not require any of the national team, she doesn't even really need Superconduct either. Especially if you've got ZL. You can run her in a double Geo, double Pyro, or double Cryo comp as well as double Electro.

Also Eula is not good with venti. She can't stack her ult while things are being sucked, so theirs no synergy.

Where are you getting this from?

And that comp you proposed also runs into energy issues.

Venti and double Electro? There shouldn't be any energy issues here.

You're running no shield, no heal and no battery for Eula.

Beidou's burst does have a shield, though. Also you know a shield isn't a requirement. You don't NEED a shield, especially since Eula has interruption resistance.

You're burst uptime is going to be pretty bad without another cryo character unless you sacrifice a stupid amount of damage for ER so I don't think that's worth. Plus

ER substats, Venti's burst and Fischl. Also if you've got WGS the attack loss would be negligible with an ER Sands as long as you're getting 12-13 stacks.

Plus without a shielder, you won't be able to get consistent 13/14 stacks of since you'll get interrupted while stacking which is also a DPS loss.

Have you actually looked into Eula's kit? She has interruption resistance on her E AND Burst.

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