Daily Questions Megathread (February 09, 2023)

Are characters with basic stats like 50/100 crit and their ATK/EM/ER needs met enough to 9 star every abyss 12 in general? I ask because I am wondering what to do with my primos. I already struggle enough to get above 60/120 crit on the few characters I have and I am worried that going for more characters will not help me full clear floor 12 because it would spread my resources thinner (currently I can only get 4 stars on it). Basically, I want to know if I should push my characters to the next level with good weapon banners and by concentrating on min/maxing their artifacts or if having more possible comps would make it easier to clear the abyss, even if I end up with stats like I mentioned in most of them.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread