I've been wondering for a while now but why does it seem like the majority of players ignore the fact that since day 1 this game has gotten a regular and consistent update that almost none in the industry can match?

If they're not interested in engaging with the content, not giving them the option to skip everything at once will just mean they'll click through it without reading anything. Which forces them to do extra shit that isn't necessary, and reach the same result.

Of course I don't expect this to work for everyone, just like everything in this world lol

I understand not caring if it's there, but I dunno why anyone would actively oppose it.

I already kinda explain why.

There is an archive feature in "my room" that allows you to replay all cutscenes from every part of the story, including events that you've done. You can also go back and redo any story quest you want.

I know that exists but my experience is already ruined. I already got spoiled just by fighting the boss lol.

Not having the skip button doesn't force you do engage, it just forces you to endure a clickfest if you don't, which benefits no one

Just like I said at the top, ofc this doesn't work with everyone and thats why they add quick start.

Got a source for that? I'm not sure this is a claim I can accept without something to back it up.

I'm talking from experience and other players in our guild know who played E7.

Because in my experience it's completely untrue, I skipped everything before Sumeru, then read everything during that chapter.

I mean, in ur cas

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