These two scenes from Windblume were extremely enjoyable and make me feel that their inclusion means we will be getting more where the Traveler isnt present in the future

For the vast majority of the game every scene we have witnessed is with the Traveler present. But here we go into the PoV of Collei and get to see characters interacting without Traveler there or Paimon constantly interjecting and it feels incredibly refreshing. Seeing characters in this kind of different scenario where they are living their lives with traveler not witnessing it is a really nice change of pace and they flowed beautifully.

Got me thinking that if they are doing this now it might be an experiment to see if they work well and can be implemented in the future. The closest we have gotten before now from what I remember was Dottore and Nahida talking when Traveler was knocked out which was one of the most investing conversations in the entire game imo. Or from flashbacks or going into memories but again Traveler was there to witness them.

If they are doing it now it honestly makes me hype for the possible plot devices that may happen in future. Particularly around the more involved characters. For instance maybe we get a Childe PoV for a 15 minute harbinger meeting which would honestly be really interesting to see play out.

As it stands I loved the ones we got here, we got to see Collei and how she really feels about things while seeing how other characters are interacting with her. Shes a precious Collei lily and she needs a hug.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread Link -