147 words How is everyone okay with the current abyss rewards of 150 for the amount of difficulty it has? 249 words I've been wondering for a while now but why does it seem like the majority of players ignore the fact that since day 1 this game has gotten a regular and consistent update that almost none in the industry can match? 111 words Mika's kit design is weird 142 words Is Genshin's storytelling actually good or not? 191 words The comprehensive list of Dehya issues with CS feedback on some of them (Week 1 and 2) (Megathread) 114 words Rhodeia of Loch 242 words These two scenes from Windblume were extremely enjoyable and make me feel that their inclusion means we will be getting more where the Traveler isnt present in the future 123 words Dehya's burst can not target Azdaha's tail. 173 words "Windblume's Breath" Version 3.5 Update Maintenance Preview 133 words Daily Questions Megathread (February 09, 2023) 190 words What voiceover language do you use and why? Just curious 155 words News coverage featuring miHoYo reveals animation dev working on Dehya 203 words Is it just me or are the dialogues/storytelling in genshin absolute trash? 115 words Advice you DON'T follow? 140 words What is the pettiest reason you have for disliking a character? 231 words Genshin's (side) quest and lore design is heavily inspired by Bethesda's, which is probably why it's such a controversial topic for some. 136 words If you could change, add or remove one major gameplay mechanic what would you change ? 373 words Is anyone else burnt out of the endless character building 171 words Would you gamble the 37.5% chance for a featured weapon on the banner if you absolutely don’t want the other featured one? 165 words in a developer's perspective, what do you think genshin does amazingly that helps it keep it's players