$10 for each element glow!?

development costs are so much higher than they once were

Factually wrong:


Games, even with accounting for inflation, are not more expensive to create than games of yesteryear.

Even then, that line was spiel created from some idiotic corporate lackey to try to guilt people about MTX's while spending millions they didn't need to. The fact that you just accepted it at face value proves you're nothing more than a shill or a useful tool.

Even then, inflation is not the end all be all of video game prices: Supply Demand, Cost of HardWare, and more determine that.

In terms of Hardware specifically though, companies are no longer spending $2500-$5000 per computer just to outfit their teams.

As for supply and demand, you have a near infinite supply of a game (due to digital marketplaces) and the extremely cheap cost of makes millions of physical editions of games (disks barely cost anything).

Yes, development teams have gotten bigger this is true, but most of the time they aren't all working on the same project, and even then, you have companies, that are much bigger than Bungie with smaller pockets, who seem to do well without adding MTX's to their games, so what is the excuse other than greed?

there is NO pay to win factor is d2 MTX's

Also factually incorrect.

There are ghost shells that enable players to gain more exp faster, and when a level cap increase comes that enables them to level 10% faster than the rest of the players that do not have said item.

While not a huge advantage, that 10% adds up over time, and would enable players to get to endgame/higher level content faster than players without it.

This goes very much the same for the shells that enable quicker gathering of resources. Doesn't matter how small the advantage, if it exists it is still P2W.

every single player could play destiny and spend no extra money on microtransactions and still have heaps of customization capabilities.

Poorly argued:

While there are customization options within the game that isn't in the cash shop in the past they have put the best looking armors and items in the cash shop that appear to have the most work put into them.

On top of this there are very few in game ships, sparrows, emotes, and ghost shells that you can earn from activities, and almost 0 ornaments you can earn for weapons that aren't tied to the cash shop in some way.

no one is forcing you to buy them.

While this may be true, it is still poorly argued:

Due to the points above, and especially when you consider that they make part of the game about customizing your appearance one of the mainstays of the game while simultaneously putting the best/best looking items into the cash shop 90% of the time or just flat out give you not alternatives to get items elsewhere.

Then, on top of this, they slowly start making it impossible/near impossible to get everything just through playing, which is an actual problem for those that like to collect everything, which in turns might have these players turn to money to reach that goal or just give up on the game completely due to the inability to complete all their collections without some monetary expenditure.

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