15 Obvious Signs You Missed That Wren Kingston is "A"

Red Coat = British Army

Red coat = Cece

Wren & Cece working together

Wren was coloring the photo of the dark haired girl at the barn wearing a red coat. Who did A initially try to convert to A team? Spencer. Who does Wren care about (instead of Melissa)? Spencer. This could've been Wren fantasizing about his dream life (a family) with Spencer (who he really wanted to join him and be his "red coat"). Instead, he settles for Cece. They share a mutual goal, obsession with the liars & Alison.

Melissa = black widow. Quite obviously, she is a mourning widow (Ian, Garrett). Melissa is double teaming. Manipulating Charles/Wren/A, protecting Spencer, protecting herself, but also doing enough damage to others so they A believes she is loyal. Melissa and Wilden were being forced to do things on the Halloween train. She says Wilden was working under someone's orders. Wilden altered Police reports at Radley (Wren), Wilden was in Cape May with Cece and Melissa. Cece became A/Charles/Wren's accomplice, making he and Melissa closer, since they were both being threatened. Wilden is killed. After losing three men she cared for she became the black widow. She decides to take matters into her own hands and to move A/Wren/Charles away from Rosewood/her family, so they move to London. Later, we see Cece leaving the country, likely heading to London as well. She takes Ali's passport and disguise so that Ali is stranded in Rosewood, and Cece heads to London to show A/Charles/Wren her evidence that Ali is not only alive, but in Rosewood. Charles/A/Wren's dollgouse plan goes intk motion from there. Cece periodically goes back to Rosewood to keep tabs on everything and everyone, especially Ali.

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