In 2014 Phil Spencer indicated Microsoft may revisit the scrapped "family sharing" as a feature. Has the need for physical media permanently shelved this concept for the current generation?

If you actually read my full post you would see that i have no problem with check ins, what i had a problem with was the daily check ins.

The last time i was without internet for more than 24 hours was a couple months ago when my isp was working on something and it was down for almost 2 days, sure that rarely ever happens where i am without internet for more than 24 hours but the sheer possibility of it happening is enough for me to despise the very idea of being completely locked out of my entire system. Internet blackouts in certain areas for up to several days at a time are not a rare thing, even in highly populated areas.

That is also completely ignoring the fact that "hackers" can completely take down the network for many people just like they did over Christmas in 2014, if they could completely brick millions of consoles just by taking down the network for a single day than xbox live would be constantly under attack.

On top of that it could also be caused if something is up with the network (not caused by "hackers") or a bug in the system bricking the system even if they check in. It is already painfully clear they can't keep everything running flawlessly on their end by the near weekly instances where parts of the service completely derp up.

It has absolutely nothing about hating change, it has to do with an overly strict check in system that could completely brick your system if you couldn't check in, either because your own service went out or if something was up on Microsoft's end or if a malicious group of people decide to be pricks.

Technology is far too unreliable for a system like daily check ins that can completely brick a system to work.

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