Why has 2017 sucked for you?

In the early stages of 2017 I continued my spiral into substance abuse (alcohol and benzos) culminating in my girlfriend and mother watching me turn purple as I suffered a seizure from attempting to go cold turkey off of the duo.

Then a month after, In June I was in a car accident with a cement truck that left me with a crazy concussion that led to me acting wildly erratic & causing $1000 in property damage when my concussed ass tried to drive to the store in the middle of the night wearing ridiculous clothes I threw on & with no money in my pockets.(I don’t remember about 3 weeks of the summer & was told all the things I did after the fact)

Then in October, after getting healthy and getting back into school my live-in girlfriend of 2 years had finally emotionally let go after my mentally unstable year & cheated on me with my best friend since elementary school & the worst part is I know I pushed her to do it at least inadvertently with my life nonsense.

Here’s to 2018 being a life changer in a better way.

/r/AskReddit Thread