This is Brian Roberts. He is the CEO of Comcast. He buys your legislators to block local ISPs. He is one of the primary funders of the opposition to Net Neutrality. Don't forget the people behind the opposition.

I just want to pop in and say I have heard your voices loud and clear. What some don't understand, though, is that all that will happen is that the internet will go back to the way it was before 2015. This isn't some age old law that we are trying to reverse. It was put in place two years ago, and we thought we'd give it a shot, and all it did was cause issues with how different ISP's and websites operate, giving customers a worse experience.

For example, YouTube. Since title II was enforced, have you noticed how much buffering time there is on YouTube? We want to fix problems like this, and create a better, faster internet for the world. Yes there will be faster "Lanes" for some websites over others, but video streaming sites like Netflix and YouTube NEED these faster lanes in order to operate, whereas sites that are mostly text and a few pictures will not need that fast lane to be effective.

Also, I will admit, I really give no fucks about you or your stupid opinions. You can call me greedy all you want, but I'm just in it for the dollar dollar bills, y'all.

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