2022 Brazilian Presidential Election Results: A Megathread

I heard Lula did the miracle in his time, but I also saw someone saying it was more of luck from the time being rather than his policies. I tend to believe a president can't do much for the economy, but I'm not an economist neither.

Lula didn't do a miracle, we had the commodities boon of the late 00s that gave us a boost after plano real. You can see in the GDP was great entering the 2010s but under Dilma the economy tanked. We needed a labor reform and a previdenciary reform to pick up pace. Then, of course, the pandemic hit.


His economic plan is non-existant. He coasted on a false past, which, worse of all, he failed to capitalize on as president. We're agro since the 1970s, and no improvement in sight, while China, whom we were better than in the 80s is now a potence.

I heard this a lot. I heard the court didn't declare he is innocent, but the trial itself was kinda rigged and that the prosecutor later became a member of bolsonaro team?

He went through a singular judge, then a collegiate, then the collegiate above that, then the Supreme.


So, even if the first judge (Sérgio Moro) was crooked, the TRIALS were moved on the basis he should have tried in Brasilia. It is blatant political manouvering.

It is more complicated than that, but Lula is "presumed innocent" per our constitution, he wasn't "declared innocent."

Some saying it was a plot by bolsonaro? I guess, it's very complicated issues haha

These people are wrong, pre election Bolsonaro was a career congressman who didn't do much. And he was arrested under the government of Dilma, his sucessor.

But didn't bolsonaro side win the congress and state elections? Does Brazilian president have that much power to push his agendas?

I'm under no illusion he was some savior. He was someone who tried to shrink the state and lower taxes, which would be great for "national-developmentist" policies that have never worked.

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