20M Incel - Going on my first date ever.

Being a virgin at 20 does not make you a leper. At all. Please stop projecting. Also, most posts on Reddit DON'T get immediate responses. Some don't get any, just up or downvotes. So twenty minutes after a post having nothing isn't the end of the world.


Treat your date like a human being, ask her questions about herself and when it's your turn to speak don't be self degrading.

The next bit may be following, it may not. Some people have sex on the first date, some don't. It may be a date with no chemistry, it may be that your partner wants to wait. If she says no, do not take it personally and do not lash out.

Regarding sex, the biggest thing is communication. Especially your first time with a new partner, you're gonna be awkward and it'll feel like pieces don't fit together. But just remember to enjoy the person you're holding: forget any porn you've seen and don't try to come off as cool. You're naked and sweaty, there's very little "cool" about it - so enjoy sensations of a real person that you're touching.

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