[21 pics] Different locations in Morrowind

Yea, its DX9 but its truly messed up.

I rememebered that for 3D vision we make a special DX9 global injection wrapper to hook on stuff and it can detect the games when it can't hook in normally.

Did that and it spits out a log. So I then proxyed it to remix.

And remix basically says its DX9 game that it has idea what to do with.

"[02:19:52.442] info: Version: release-1.04-1-g5f25014

[02:19:52.443] info: Loaded d3d9.dll from D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arx Fatalis\arx.exe

[02:19:52.522] info: DirectInput8 hook attached.

[02:19:52.525] info: D3D9 successfully initialized!

[02:19:52.525] info: Initializing new shared memory object"

/r/RTXRemix Thread Parent Link - imgur.com