I [21M] told my girlfriend [22F] of 3ish months that I thought she was "a little overweight" today.

Luck doesn't have shit to do with it.

I also have huge boobs and a butt. Guess what else? I eat a plant-based diet with zero junk food and run, do yoga and generally take care of myself. I have maintained an incredibly healthy lifestyle because I want to live a long time for my kid and don't want them to suffer the immensity of issues a child born to an overweight/ obese mother will generally have to suffer. Why don't you pop over to 2X and see some of the current threads there about what happens to a fetus born to an obese mother? Allergies, type one diabetes, autoimmune diseases... The list is pretty much endless.

No, I don't support HAES and all the other bullshit that has normalizes obesity in this country to the point where healthcare is expensive as hell and I get subpar treatment when in the hospital because the OB on call is performing yet another c-section on yet another obese woman. I think it's downright sad that in this country 60% of the women of childbearing age are overweight or obese. I don't know why or how we got this way but it's harming all of us, and will for generations to come.

Do I hate fat people? Nope. But do I think health should be celebrated instead of unhealthy lifestyles? Yep. And that goes for all aspects of health-- not smoking, mental health initiatives, etc etc.

So should I keep my mouth shut about my weight so as not to offend overweight people? I really don't think so. Clearly you do. But being overweight is the norm and until that changes in this country, I want to hear stories about people who are dedicated to health for ALL of us, not this bullshit HAES rhetoric that is CLEARLY untrue.

I'd wager to guess your real problem is not with me. Turn the scope.

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