I [24F] found out that my boyfriend [24M] of one year likes to browse Asian amateur porn subreddits and compliment the women who post there on their bodies

There may be people that have a type and only settle for the opposite type when they can't get the type they want. Seems weird to me. Do you only like one type of man?

Snooping is good if it makes sense of problems you're going through. "Oh, that's why he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore and shows me no affection." But it's bad if it brings on paranoia. To suddenly think he doesn't find you attractive because he looks at porn is a leap. And to deny the loveable aspects of yourself, apart from your skin colour and body type, is silly.

However, some women don't like men looking at porn or other women in the street or on TV because of insecurity. If you want him to stop say so.

I think it's polite to compliment women he likes on that sub as that's what the women want to hear. If he doesn't compliment you enough, it could mean he's just comfortable with you and thinks you already know he loves your body. But that's a common issue about men and he needs to be told you need that.

/r/relationships Thread