25k cheaters banned by battleye in last 24 hours.

That isn't how AWS works dude. You still need to deal with government regulations in regards to AWS Chinese servers. Unless Bluehole magically managed to accomplish what Valve, Blizzard & Riot were not able to do they need to sign with a Chinese company.

Overwatch also uses AWS but their client in China is run by Netease who DOES use AWS but Chinese players are not able to play outside of the AWS China servers and vice versa NA, EU, OCE & Asia cannot access the Chinese servers. There's probably a way for Chinese players to bypass this with VPNs (maybe). But if NA, EU want to play in China you end up having to buy the Chinese version of OW.

Despite using AWS they also run their own servers.

hgh1 (Hangzhou server farm)

cnn1 (AWS host in Beijing)

(As of launch, might be more now)

Right now the only region that shows up is AS(Asia) which has no locally based servers in China, they're in Tokyo & Seoul only. Typically china gets their own regional servers separate from AS. If it doesn't show up on the launcher as CN or China then they don't have them since PUBG has no region locking atm.

League of legends has 30 servers in China, two hosted by Taobao and the rest by 网通 & 电信. Apparently they've transitioned into AWS at some point but they still maintain the Taobao servers.

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