Homosexuals who have first had a hetero relationship, but later discovered an attraction to the same sex, are they truly homosexual, or just bisexual with a preference?

If that is all the sexual experience you ever had, it is not hard to imagine that that is all there is to it. Especially if social expectations are enforcing that this is how life should be. Heck even heterosexual people stay in relations that are less than optimal.

Great point I suppose. Combined with lack of self-reflection.

Well, don't beat it until you try it.

I'm not going to suck dick to prove to myself that I'm straight, but thanks for the suggestion. hehe.

It's more that I have always liked women, and had an inherent attraction and desire for them, so the lack of the opposite seems pretty self-evident.

And I'm not really disgusted by the idea of it, it's just that I feel indifferent. Like hetero anal sex for example. I can look objectively at the physical sensation of it, but the idea of it just doesn't appeal to me.

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