I (28M) am starting to resent my (25F) girlfriend of 9 years

This is certainly a way of thinking I would like to have.

I have tried to phrase some things in this way, I.e Okay I'm insecure, but would you feel the same way if I were to put you in the same situation?

I tend to not delve too much into insults and wear them as though they are true, the main thing I am trying to get across is - yes I have let her push me over and yes I have let her get away with it for far too long.

The exhaustion from trying to convince someone what they're doing is something they themselves would dislike is as difficult a point to make as it is to deal with myself.

I'm a strong believer in treat others how you want to be treated so when I fell mistreated and can't wrap my head around why, it's a roadblock that I can't seem to find my way around.

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