32, Black Woman, Single Mom, Raised in Hood, Drug Addicted & Absentee Parents, Once Was Homeless & Preggo Just Crossed 100K Net Worth Living in NY

Just want to say this to maybe make you feel even better about your awesome financial situation: Your net worth is literally almost exactly equal to mine! And that's my net worth from two wage earners, a 32F and 31M, who between the two of us have I think 3 Bachelors' degrees, an Associate's Degree, and a Juris Doctorate. We also have one child, but we've only been responsible for this other human being for about a year and a half now. And we have a higher net worth than most similarly-situated people! You're doing an amazing job.

You could take this two ways: (1) What you've done is extraordinary! or (2) Wow, student loans are leaving a generation a bit closer to the starting point of a homeless, pregnant teenager than we'd all like to admit. Both can be true :)

/r/financialindependence Thread