$35,000 a year

The reasons listed are the exact reasons I left academia. I worked as a lab manager/research tech in environmental science, policy, and management at UC Berkeley and made about $14/hr if you didn’t count the 30+ hours/month of unpaid overtime I worked just to keep up with the bare minimum I was expected to do. The woman in my position before me had two lab assistants and two undergrad interns to do the job, but then funding got cut right before she resigned and I took over so I was expected to do the same amount of work without the lab assistants. I loved the research and the science and if I had loved my PI I might have stuck it out. He was a nice guy, but didn’t have a clue about the toxic environment among his grad students or that the amount of work I was required to do was making me physically ill. I still miss the science, but I will never regret my decision to put my health and sanity first.

/r/antiwork Thread