59-year-old chimpanzee ‘Mama’ is sick and refuse food until she recognized her old friend

You completely misunderstand me. Can't figure out if you're trolling.

You have been told repeatedly by multiple posters already, these animals aren't just being plucked from the wild and tossed in cages.

I have never said that. I have said that most animals in zoos today are born in zoos. At least in europe.

They are their because they were rescued in one form or another, they are unfit for the wild in the majority of cases by the time they recover and their children most certainly are going to be as well.

Exactly. There are places that take in injured animals. And that is NOT what I'm talking about.

It's not the 1800's anymore.

This is my point. We have moved on since then, and should not be putting animals in small, boring, grey cages. There are a lot of zoos like this in Europe. I have been to three just in Denmark. They have a prison vibe to them and they are not ideal for animals. I have also been to some in Germany. If you ever come to Copenhagen, try to go to Copenhagen which is exactly the kind of zoo I'm talking about.

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