By 69 to 1 U.S. Senate passes amendment saying dank memes are real, not a hoax

LOL…regularly gilded in your shitty sub, active user who has earned over 180,000 karma points in this shitty sub alone and you regularly ban me for absolutely nothing because you disagree with my ideals. Are you dumb enough to think that my approach to reddit has changed in the past 4+ years? Do you realize that Reddit actually gives out awards ("inciteful comment") for the same thing you goons actually ban people for? Let's get one thing perfectly clear: I'm not even subscribed to this anymore and I haven't been for a long time because of the undereducated, cowardly twats that play God with the sub. You're incapable of actually responding to liberal comments you disagree with so you ban anyone whose ideals differ from yours and you use "OMG HE USED A RUDE TONE IN HIS COMMENT" to justify it. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Seriously. I guarantee I've been a redditor longer than you, my comment karma is absolutely much higher than yours and you try to pretend like you have some kind of official power. Dont' worry…if you'll check the number of subscribers over the past 2 years, that alone tells the full story. I imagine there are a few educated, informed mods in the sub, but for the most part, it's full of community college educated republican sycophants and their buddies whom they've dragged into the mod positions to try to combat anyone who has a liberal point of view. And the laughable part? Even though you've banned and obstructed most of the active participants of reddit who are liberal, the top stories are still liberal stories. Even with your uneducated, republican hate and ban brigade, you cannot silence basic truth and that has to burn some, huh guys? Take a look at my history. Like I said, I've probably been on here 3 years longer than you and nothing has changed about my comments, yet i'm one of the top 1000 commenters on this site. Speaks volumes about the shit hole that reddit has become and don't worry! I'll make sure people know that the Fox News interns run reddit now! Don't want you unsung heroes to not get all of the attention and praise and validation you deserve for being so brave, right?

/r/circlejerk Thread