7 Billion people experienced today in a different way: what was yours?

My ex fiancé left me around October of 2015. After a year of no contact he sends me a long message in September of 2016. He is saying how he made a mistake and wants to be with me, wants to see me, want to forget his family and be with the love of his life, etc. We continue to talk about how much we miss each other, a lot initiated by him. Two days before NYE we finally can meet up. He takes me to all of our first date spots and all of my favorite museums, nothing but positivity. Later that night, he drives me to one of our favorite star gazing sites and says that he has something to tell me. He proceeds to say "If you thought that message held any hope of us getting back together, don't. I got over you the day after I sent that." I was completely heartbroken, I couldn't understand why he would continue to have me believe we were on the path to being together again. Yesterday I finally decided to block him on everything so he would have no way of contacting me. I couldn't let him do it to me again. You know, take steps forward.

Today I felt good about re downloading the Facebook app onto my phone as I knew I could no longer see if he was on or see his posts. It was great up until Facebook Memories reminded me that on this day 5 years ago, we went on our first date and entered into a relationship. In addition, it's the 5 year Friendaversary of his best friend and I. So the rest of my day has been spent drinking tea, watching The Office, and telling myself I made the right decision. Just because we had previously planned on having a life together doesn't mean I can't build a life for myself now.

/r/AskReddit Thread