7 years ago, /u/Whisper made a comment on banning hate speech that is still just as relevant today

You seem to be discussing this from the perspective of someone who is already convinced that freedom of expression should be a human right valued above all others. This is the default status for Americans, since it's right there in our first amendment. FREE SPEECH.

I'd like to respectfully ask you to reconsider why you value it so highly. How carefully have you considered it? Is it just a platitude that you've internalized? Why is the most chilling idea you seem to be able to imagine is people being afraid to speak out in public. (Don't things like physical violence, hate crimes, racial segregation, and genocide all seem like a worse ideas?)

Almost every other constitutional democracy in the world has recognized a constitutional right that's even more sacred than free speech. In the rare instances where this constitutional right --a constitutional right that American citizens do not have-- conflicts with free speech, it wins out. Human dignity widely-recognized-outside-of-America right is the right to dignity. It's the very first thing mentioned in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The right to human dignity is why hate group leaders can't travel to certain other countries to give speeches at hate group conventions. It's why Nazi parades are banned. It is why other countries have recognized a right to forget --to remove decades-old news reports of crimes with names and faces attached from web search results, regardless of how true those articles might be. It is why the Westboro Bapist Church funeral protests would not and do not happen elsewhere. These things are an affront to basic human dignity.

Now, what innovations is Stormfront likely to produce? I confess I can think of none.

The right to human dignity is informed by countries who unlike the US, suffered considerable damage to their people and homelands by a group very much like Stormfront. Before Stormfront, there was a group that brought to us a number of innovations, including an unprecedented and highly effective methodical use of propaganda, war mongering, rocketry, science, and mass human extermination.

I do not have faith that the "market" of free speech will organically, magically permit the best ideas to rise to the top and the weaker ideas to fall. We've already seen multiple failures that have resulted in historic levels of human destruction, pain, and suffering. These are trials that I do not think the human race is better off as a whole for having gone through.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com