What's an opinion you're afraid of giving in real life?

Most people here in the west who genuinely care about making important changes are usually very hypocritical in ways they don’t even realise. Every time we buy something nice we know damn well there are people who needed that money a lot more. Buy a really fancy iPad Pro and you could give about half a billion people their daily wage. But we dont care because we measure ourselves by each other not by absolutes. We have money we got solely for being born in the right place and we choose to spend it on pizzas, a travel mug, a drawing app, new game etc etc than people who are staggeringly suffering by comparison.

Most of our actions for good are because we feel good about doing something good. But we let so much unfairness go on. We think we’re good if we give more than the people around us, never come close to upholding our moral principles of fairness we “fight” for.

And I’m worst of all. I’m very selfish.

/r/AskReddit Thread