"80-90% of women only date the top 10-20% of men" and other lies

Chances are, those conventionally unattractive women probably are getting once in a while creep attention or guys that see her as easy, but they're not actually getting the attention of a guy that is serious, puts in as much effort as her, isn't an opportunist, and is looking for a long-term partner and making sure she's compatible with him (lifestyle, values, etc). That's the thing though. There's so many of these men that literally just don't care and yet think it's a good thing when it's actually a hazard. Similar to arguing that the love of a zombie that wants any warm body is true love.

Also--idk, I hesitate to endorse the "they should just hit on worse looking women" idea. The problem is this: a lot of these guys do in fact value hot women more and...I don't think they'll settle gracefully either. But I guess it kind of comes down to the fact that many of these guys aren't looking for a "grow old together" type relationship, that there's actually a shortage of men like that.

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