Do you guys actually enjoy living here?

Houston isn’t about the single life. I hate it, but I’ll tell you why it’s beneficial to middle class.

1) big grocery stores that are around the corner. You can park and be able to fill the car with groceries for weeks in a 1-2 hr trip. Or, you can go back and forth every other day for fresh goods from around the world like meat and veggies. You’re choice.

2) schools are massive. And everywhere. You’re kid likes theater? Which kind, because they have 5 different types. Multiple types of debate, 5 different levels of soccer, god knows how many dance teams, economics clubs, etc.

3) there are 2 international airports

4) they pay slightly more than adjusted cost of living (which is debatable lately)

That’s it. There is enough baseline food and stuff to get you by. And plenty of places to grab a drink with friends. But most people like houston because it’s the most average city in existence. *Nothing spectacular, but “average” is more than 50% of people have. *

And as long as that’s the case, ppl will move here.

/r/houston Thread